Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Allison Krauss

In some exciting and spontaneous news, we have officially booked tickets to see Allison Krauss with Tim Rice play in Chattanooga, Tennessee in April. To make it even more fun, we are going with a colleague of mine and her husband. She grew up there so she knows some cool places to check out including their aquarium. And her in-laws own a retirement house there so we can stay on a lake for free! So I am blaring the Krauss as I am on my ball and loving every moment of her. Fun time ahead.


Susan said...

Amber, that is so exciting!! You guys are going to have a great time. I am glad to see how into country music you guys are...:) I guess I should have known with your twangy rendition at the wedding this summer. :)

Chryslyn said...

WOOOO! Thats awesome! A little FYI, you have inspired me to put my ball by the computer. Its great because I can do abs while writing papers haha :)