What is Amber doing at home on a Friday? Is she sick? Has she been fired?
Oh no, dear friends. She has the day off unexpectedly because of a leaking water pipe. I am now leading you in a cheer where I go "Yo" and then you repeat and then I go "Hey" and you repeat and so on. Love my job but love the break as well.
In all honesty I have had a really busy week but blogger will not let me post the pictures to prove it. At school I lead the first ever Poetry Coffee House and it was one of the greatest things I have done in my four years of teaching but it also required a lot of work. Bloomington is also having their annual Chocolate Fest this weekend and so all three of my cooking classes are entering which also is great fun but a lot of work. The cutest creation was the youngest classes version of chocolate turtles, which were mouth watering and looked very cute. Last year one of the classes won third so we will see how we do this year.
This weekend is the Superbowl and Colts fever is alive and well here. We have having some couples over and are going to host our first ever official Superbowl party. I myself will watch and cheer for the Colts but be especially attentive to the million dollar commercials.
I have also had a music revitalization this week with the discovery of Norah's new album and two new artists to me, Jesse Harris and Richard Julian. Notice how I say to me as I have been burned in the past with thinking I “discovered” someone ( i.e. Michael Buble) only to find that he actually was a best seller already. They are actually both affiliated with Norah in some way ( guitar player for her and singer in Little Willies, respectively) and both have come out with their own work. Just loving it.
The only other thing of some importance is that we have purchased an exercise ball. I have been obsessed with them with my class and we needed a new reasonably price chair for the desk and so presto, we bought one. I am engaging my abdomen as we speak and have terrific posture. We will see how it goes.
Oh, and as I just reread the post I realized that my title does not match yet. I love Rachael Ray now. That is why I put her name up there. I am cooking only her recipes at this time and just loving it. I took a cookbook along with us to grocery shop and have found some great recipes to say the least. I will post a curry recipe soon but for now just check out her site and look at 30 minute meals. I really can do them in 30 minutes.
Weekend, here we come.
Friday, February 02, 2007
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Beause of your Rachel Ray comments, I have been exploring her website. I have yet to try any recipes, but I definitely want to. Any favourite that you recommend?
Have a fun superbowl party!
Amber, I too love the exercise ball (although I don't use it as often as I should) and I love Rachel Ray too! We especially love her French bread stuffed pizza. Susan, I will include the link for you. It is so tasty and good you must make it soon! :)
PS Amber, do you have a video for the ball?
Okay, my link didn't work but if you go to foodnetwork.com and search french bread stuffed pizza you will find it. Kylie
Yeah Colts!
Yeah exercise ball!
Yeah chocolate festival!
Yeah for day off Friday!
Yeah for Rachel! I haven't actually seen her show but I am super pumped for the curry recipe.
Yeah curry!
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