Monday, March 19, 2007


Stephen's parents left this morning.
Sad but happy that we had such a good time.
Much work in Masters.
Much work to do with report cards.
However, relaxed because of Pilates and a bath with new bubble bath.
Procrastinating with a blog.
A great friend coming on Saturday, a great motivator to work now.


Joanna said...

I like the new profile photo! (Also, glad to see a non-weird Stephen face:)

Chryslyn said...

Ahhh I can feel the relaxation. I really miss my yoga pilates time. I would like to go again.
I am glad to hear you had a great time. Mom and Dad had an awesome time too. Ttyl

Susan said...

Aww..I wish Darc and I come take a break from reality and come see you guys.

Susan said...

opps..I mean could