Wednesday, April 25, 2007

An Amazing Weekend

We enjoyed a great weekend in Tennessee on the river, hanging out and going to a concert with new friends.

A great little place where we ate pulled pork. It was one of those places you would never stop at unless you had heard about.

Our friends Melanie and Chris

The lake house we all stayed at.

The view from the house...the Tennessee River

The scene of an amazing concert...Alison Krauss, Tony Rive, and the Union Station Band!


Susan said...

Wow! I love the picture of the little path leading up to the lake house. It's so beautiful! I look forward to hearing about all your adventures soon! Love, Susan

Anonymous said...

Oh amber that looks amazing, I'm so glad you guys had such a good time. The lakehouse looks very interesting too, I love that it's right on the Tennessee River!