Sunday, April 01, 2007

A Great Visit

We have just concluded another great visit with Jenessa. I think she will blog as well so in hopes of not replicating too much, let me give you a tour of some of our activities.

Jenessa's painting that she did here and that we now have hanging on our living room wall. It is fantastic and this picture does not do it justice at all. However, I have tried with about 15 pictures and this is the best. You will have to come and visit if you want to see it in its true grandeur!

Jenessa teaching my class how to draw oil pastels. They turned out so well! I will try to take a picture of the finished product once they are all done so you can see for yourself!

We went out for a fantastic Mediterranean meal together. Lamb it was for all of us.

We went to St. Louis for two days. We were able to take in an Oilers vs. Blues game (see below), the zoo, the art gallery, and the arc. Here is Jenessa on top of the arch looking down.

This picture is to demonstrate our seats in the third period. We snuck down and ended up right behind the Oilers!

Despite the pictures, Stephen was there along with us at every step. However, all of his pictures are fantastically bad...on purpose. He is tough to get a serious picture out of.

It was definetely a sad good bye at the airport. We are truly blessed to know you Jenessa.


Jenessa Fowke said...

Love the blog Amber, and thanks again for such a great time. I'm really glad you guys warned me about the O'Hara. I had to boot it and run to catch my next plane. I boarded and it left right away. My bags didn't make it in time. I'm not surprised, but it's not a big deal as they should be delivered to my place tomorrow.

Build a Bear next time I promise.

Jenessa Fowke said...

Also, you will have to wait for my blog about our fun excursions until I get my bags, 'cause the cord for my camera is in one of them.

That goes for Darcen's b-Day present too.

Susan said...

Wow...amazing painting! It looks so good! Glad you guys had such a good time. Talk to you again soon...I am pumped for stuntnastics! :)

Anonymous said...

That sounds like so much fun! I loved talking to you too Amber, let's do it again real soon:)
PS Jenessa, you're painting looks amazing!