Friday, June 08, 2007

Some news...

I realized as I was trying to get my blog to go onto facebook the other night that I have not officially blogged about my plans for the Fall. Though some of you already know this, I am taking a year off of teaching and am going to pursue my Masters full time at IU. I have been doing courses part-time up to this point, which has been great. However, now I have received a grant that is allowing me to take the year off as they will cover my tuition and give me a living stipend to go hard for a year. After that time, I will re-evaluate and see if teaching or more schooling is in the cards for me.

So my Masters will be in Special Education with a focus on early literacy. I will be able to play off my current job and look at dyslexia as well. It is a great department, I have a very supportive advisor, and I feel excited to live the student life for a year. It will also be neat for both Stephen and I to be "schooling" together. Very telling of my current teaching job though, it was hard to leave. It is a nice feeling when you like going to work and feel both challenged and needed. I hope to continue in a small part next year with tutoring, etc. to keep in touch.

And this summer, I will be tutoring quite a bit and working a bit in our school's summer program. I am just finishing up the first week and it is going well. I enjoyed the relaxed feel of it all. This weekend we are doing double B-B-Q's so hopefully the weather will hold up.

So that's the news.


Hillary said...

Good for you for going to school full time. I love being a student, and I think you do to. So enjoy!

Chryslyn said...

Wow going to school full time will be a sweet change. Thats very awesome though that it is hard to leave teaching. I hope you have a great summer. I am looking forward to seeing you later. Muchos amore!