Monday, July 23, 2007

Perfect Things

I have...
finished the last Harry Potter tonight...amazing.

I have...
finished a huge presentation that I needed to have done today...relief.

I have...
seven more days of work ( not counting the weekend) until I am done and my parents come.

I have...
discovered this wonder called Steve and Barry's and this great line of clothing called Bitten done by Sarah Jessica Parker. 14.95 jeans and I love them.

I have...
a cat that is addicted to the light of a flashlight.

I have...
a husband who has a much deserved day off tomorrow.

I have...
a really comfy bed.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Oooo...I am so excited that you bought some Sarah Jessica Parker clothes!! That is so great. :)

Glad you enjoyed the Harry Potter book tonight...I really feel like I should get on the bandwagon.

Congrats on all your hard work!

Tell Stephen and Sammy hi from us!

Love you!