Thursday, October 04, 2007

GRE Complete, Let Life Begin Again

Just wanted to announce I took the GRE and did fine. It is definitely a test of endurance as I was in there for over 3 hours but alas, another thing off my list.

I am now starting to think of the real world again and have just discovered that Stephen has bought our IU basketball tickets and that I think we are going to a football game on Saturday (IU again.) Fun times.

Stephen has a big midterm in logic today and so we are a bit beat. Tonight we vowed to eat our homemade nachos (If I had a working camera I would take a picture of them...they are amazing) and watch Season 2 of the American Office. Yes, we who are so British Office, are attempting the second season. At one time we watched season 1 and hated it but we are trying it again due to the pressures of a co-worker.

As I write, I think of more. On Saturday I am doing a Breast Cancer walk with this very coworker. I have never been in one before but always felt they would be fun and inspirational. She is brining her two dogs so I can pretend to own one too.

And on a final note, is anyone watching Private Practice out there? The spin off show from Gray's? I have watched it the last two weeks and really like it...even cried. Perhaps even better then the first Gray's of the season?


megan said...

Hey! Why are you doing the GRE? A doctorate? Congrats for getting it done. I don't have to do it, luckily!

amber friesen said...

who are you?

megan said...

haha! it's megan. I don't put my name on my blog because I don't want my students to find it.