Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Banana Pancakes, Friends, and B-Ball

A huge part of our life is B-ball right now. Stephen and I are Hooisers in terms of rooting for our men's team. We absolutely love it. Now, we have student tickets and where we sit is determined randomly...we never know where we will end up. So, much to our surprise we had amazing tickets on Sunday...the best! We were in row 1 and I was right beside the trumpet player in the band. I thought I would take the opportunity to take some pictures.

This is the view of part of the stadium. Packed out and loud!

And us where we are sitting. Jenessa you will appreciate Stephen's expression, totally on purpose.

Here we are with some friends. We hang out with two couples a bit and really enjoy it. The two guys are in Stephen's department and so it is a great match.

This is me making honor of Susan and Allison...

Yup, it is banana and chocolate chip pancakes. Susan made us these this Christmas, I believed inspired from a meal Allison and her friend Angela made when they were up previously. So good. I have even done the typical thing where I have blared Jack Johnson.


Susan said...

Awww...I love that you made the pancakes! They look delicious! I wish I could come for breakfast. :)

Well, my kids are about to trail into the classroom, so I should go. Love you! Go Hoosiers!

tman said...

Sweet seats... good job.

Glad you finally discovered my tribute video to you guys ;-)

Anonymous said...

Your pancakes look amazıng! Is that your house ın the pıcture wıth the other couple? Also tell Stephen that we thınk he looks lıke quıte the stud ın hıs fancy duds. Kylıe