Friday, February 23, 2007

New Bird Feeders for Valentine's Day

For Valentine's Day, Stephen got a very artsy bird feeder. I wanted to document the production of getting it up and then also, our new squirrel feeder. I (and Sam) am loving this as we have two fat squirrels who are often in our backyard. Stephen is saying we are attracting about a dozen different birds to our little yard.


Jenessa Fowke said...

Nice feeders! I am starting a new project with my grade fives and we are creating song birds using collage. Our inspiration are pictures from an Audubon calander......and Stephen. I even told me students about my experiences bird watching this summer with you guys.

Susan said...

I love the feeders..they look great. Now if only I was not so frightened of birds themselves. I think maybe I'm scarred from the owls in one of our big trees when I grew up. They were always swooping and hissing.

But I am sure that I can appreciate looking at them...just not getting too close. :) Is your love of birds growing now?