Sunday, April 29, 2007

Chocolate Moose

Summer is here in terms of weather this weekend. One of our new found favorite spots is a little local ice cream place called the Chocolate Moose that someone told us about. We tried it first when Jenessa was here and now we are hooked on the Moose Horn...a chocolate covered banana with nuts on it. Amazing!


Jenessa Fowke said...

The moose horn? That's hilarious. Did you have to ask a bazillion questions to the man at the window in order to discover it? I still remember my yummy moose malt from there.

Your weekend trip looked like it was really fun. I miss you guys. I have so much to blog about so I will be doing that soon.

Chryslyn said...

I can't believe you found chocolate covered banana's, just like the banana stand... I think I should open a banana stand in Lethbridge, it would be strictly seasonal...

Susan said... definitely have to take us there! Hey, guess what...we are booking the tickets in the next couple days! trip is on! I am so excited to see you and Stephen!! I am sure the next couple months will fly by.