Monday, May 07, 2007

A little Weak On Blogging

Sorry I have been little weak on the blogs. I wanted to let you know that I was still here. We are loving the summer. rollerblading, bbq's, running, loving it. This is Stephen and I on a little date on Saturday. We went to a new restaurant and had lamb kabobs. Then Spiderman 3. Fun and great if you loved the other two.


Anonymous said...

A lot of people seem to be really dissappointed in Spider-man 3, but i thought it was so funny. So cheesy, but very funny. Especially the man who stated that "one man really can make a difference..enough said"! I laughed so hard! I'm glad you liked it too :)

Susan said...

Darc and I will have to check it out soon...maybe this weekend. :) Glad you had a good date night!

Jenessa Fowke said...

Aw, date night, nice work on that!

P.S. I like the hawaiian shirt Stephen and you are still sylin' in those glasses Amber!

Chryslyn said...

I agree with all of the above statements except I haven't seen spidy 3. I don't know if I will...
The date night is very adorable and you two are awesome

Joanna said...

I totally liked Spiderman 3 too! I don't know why everyone seems to be hating it. I had a whole post planned on the topic, but for some reason I can't post anything right now....grrrrr. I even liked the double guns scene where he's walking down the street picking up chicks - so funny!