Thursday, April 05, 2007

Mind Blowing

KKK leader suggests possible rally in Bloomington
"Phil Lawson, the Imperial Wizard for the United Northern and Southern Knights of the KKK, wrote that the group has "hopes of clearing up some misunderstandings people may have in regards to our organization .."

This was in our paper today and yesterday. MInd blowing really, It makes a shiver go up my spine that an organization so based on hate can be thriving so close. Most days you want to believe that on a whole the world is becoming a better place but this makes you question it.


Anonymous said...

That is so scary, that KKK. Anyways, it was great to talk to you last night, and i'm sure i will talk to you again tonight! Miss you lots and wish you were here for Easter Sis:)
Love you,

Anonymous said...
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