Monday, May 28, 2007

Chicago Trip

We are back from Chicago. I went and joined Stephen on Friday and we spent an awesome few days there. My parents had given us a day pass to many of the sights and we stayed in an awesome hotel that overlooked Lake Michigan.

Chicago! We love this town.

This is Stephen and I getting ready to start a boat tour on the canals of Chicago. It was a tour that highlighted the architect of Chicago and it was fabulous. One of the highlights.

This one we might blow up. It was foggy yet warm. This is off the boat and I can see it on our wall.

On Saturday morning, all of the bridges open routinely to let other boats go down the canal. The sailboats were beautiful.

The Sears tower. We went up it and enjoyed it despite a bit of cloud cover.

Eating deep dish pizza.

Sue, the T-Rex at the Field Museum. This is the T-Rex that has the most bones that are real...over 90%. I guess that alot of dionsaurs have only 50% or so real bones and the rest are made of plaster.

The dolphin pool at the aquarium. This was beautiful as it looked like the pool was opened to the Lake Michigan.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a great trip, I love the boat tour.

Stephen and Amber said...

Thanks Allison! Talk to you soon!

Susan said...

You took some great pictures...the boat tour looks so beautiful! I'm glad you guys had a good time. We need to catch up soon...we would love to hear all your stories!

Jenessa Fowke said...

hey no eating Chicago deep dish with out me (and some beer to go with;) Looks like you guys had an enjoyable trip!