Friday, May 18, 2007


Stephen is away in Chicago...only 8 more night until I join him for the weekend. He is training for his summer position. It is funny how I instantly miss him. I am watching him go through security and I feel such a loss. Anyways, I just talked to him and his first day went well and a group is going to Target and he is off with them. In response. I am off to Target after this...I am hearing cool summer clothes.

Perhaps part of the reason that I miss him so much is ex amplified in the incident that happened right before he left. I get a phone call from him at 10:50am yesterday morning and he asks if I have half an hour on my lunch. Ir respond yes, and he says good, because he is rescuing a fawn.

Stephen was running and found a few days old fawn which was barely moving. He hid it in a bush and ran home to find a wildlife recovery center here. They advised him to bring it in. So he went back with a box, took it in, they warmed him, and I joined the quest on the release. What broke my heart was how the fawn was trying to follow Stephen as he was putting him back in the wild. Rest assure folks though, I have gone back to check out the place and there is no fawn and lots of deer poop. We are believing that it is okay. Stephen rubbed the fawn down with leaves and supposedly the mom deer with easily accept it again. I love Stephen's heart.

Meanwhile, I am gearing up for a 10km walk tomorrow to raise awareness for Indiana's hiking trails/environment. Have a great weekend!


Susan said...

What a sweet story. It sounds like it could be a children's book. :) I think you should write it in a story form.

How was the 10km walk? Sounds like fun! Hopefully talk to you soon!

Jenessa Fowke said...

I am loving this pro-environment/wildlife post! I am very proud:)